The election results
in Greece and France
could indicate major
changes are coming
Nationalist/populist leaders celebrate major wins.
By Pete Papaherakles
Golden Dawn, Greece’s nationalist party,
was the big winner on May 6 as Greeceheld its most important election in
decades. On the same day, the French
went to the polls where France’s nationalist party,
the National Front, took a whopping 18 percent of
the vote. These election resultswill
have a significant impact on the future
of the EuropeanUnion, its currency
the euro and globalization.
In Greece, the two major parties,
Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement
(PASOK) and New Democracy
(ND), saw a nosedive in popularity,
due to the economic and immigration
problems Greece is
facing. PASOK, the previous ruling party, saw its
support plummet to only 13 percent of the vote
while the center-right ND narrowly took the lead
with a weak 18 percent. These two parties, which
have ruled Greece since 1974, had previously
shared almost 70 percent of the vote.
Smaller parties have risen to fill the void. Out of
28 parties that ran, only seven scored the 3 percent
of the vote needed to enter Parliament. Four of them
are leftist, ranging fromhardcore communists to the
PASOK. The other three are rightwing, ranging from
themoderate ND towhat has been called the “ultraright-
wing” Golden Dawn nationalist party.
The Golden Dawn victory was the most exciting
development of the Greek elections. With only 1.5
percent at the polls in January, the GoldenDawn entered
Parliament for the first time with an astonishing
7 percent of the vote, giving them 21 seats. A
political movement led by Nikolaos Michaloliakos
since 1980, the party has been growing rapidly despite
being ignored by theGreek establishment
media. This is largely
due to their uncompromising
stands on illegal immigration, repudiation
of the national debt and support
for the growth of a productive
Greek economy. Support for Golden
Dawn has grown by leaps and
bounds, especially among Greeks
whose entire world has come tumbling
down in the last two years.Unemployment has
reached 22 percent—twice the Eurozone average.
In the days following the election, the winning
party has three days to forma coalition to gain amajority.
If it fails to do so, the second party can try its
hand. If that fails, they must have a new election.
Michaloliakos told AMERICAN FREE PRESS in an exclusive
interview on May 9 that he is not backing
down. His party’s firstmission will be to stop illegal
immigration and deport all illegals. The criminal
bankers and politicians, who plunged Greece into
debt and despair illegally, must be put behind bars
and the debt reassessed for its legality.
Michaloliakos has never shied away from controversy,
despite facing several attempts on his life
over the years. InMarch 2010, the Golden Dawn officeswere
bombed, and therewas at least onemore
failed attempt on his life later that year.
The media have been working on portraying the
Golden Dawn as nazis and fascists in the hope of
killing support. Their enemies want them outlawed
and declared a criminal hate group. Their website
has been taken down for alleged “hate speech.” The
party’s “Greek key” logo has been referred to as a
swastika and Michaloliakos as another Hitler.
“They’ve all gone crazy since we got elected,”
Michaloliakos told AFP. “They have gone on a frenzy
around the clock to defame us and portray us as
nazis. Even Barroso is out to get us.” (Jose Barroso
is the president of the European Commission.)
Asked how he sees the election process unfolding,
Michaloliakos said: “It seems doubtful a coalition
government will be formed. We might have to
have elections again in June. The media is doing all
it can to scare people about us and to keep us out of
Parliament. They own all themedia.We need to find
money to wage another campaign.”
Michaloliakos added: “We will fight them with
everything we’ve got. . . . We will not quit until we
free Greece from the bankers’ occupation. Greece
belongs to the Greek people, not to the globalists.”
Meanwhile in France, Socialist Francois Hollande
edged out incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy for the
presidency. Hollande advocates a 75 percent tax on
the “rich,” housing for the poor and allowing gays
to marry and adopt. He has also announced that
France will be pulling out of the Afghanistan war.
Marine Le Pen of the right-wing, nationalist National
Front received an astounding 18 percent of
the vote, reflecting France’s rising nationalist trend.
Part of this is due to the fact that Marine, unlike
her father Jean-Marie, has softened her rhetoric in
order to broaden her support although she maintains
the same positions on restricting immigration,
protectionism, withdrawal from the euro and secession
from the European Union.
was the big winner on May 6 as Greeceheld its most important election in
decades. On the same day, the French
went to the polls where France’s nationalist party,
the National Front, took a whopping 18 percent of
the vote. These election resultswill
have a significant impact on the future
of the EuropeanUnion, its currency
the euro and globalization.
In Greece, the two major parties,
Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement
(PASOK) and New Democracy
(ND), saw a nosedive in popularity,
due to the economic and immigration
problems Greece is
facing. PASOK, the previous ruling party, saw its
support plummet to only 13 percent of the vote
while the center-right ND narrowly took the lead
with a weak 18 percent. These two parties, which
have ruled Greece since 1974, had previously
shared almost 70 percent of the vote.
Smaller parties have risen to fill the void. Out of
28 parties that ran, only seven scored the 3 percent
of the vote needed to enter Parliament. Four of them
are leftist, ranging fromhardcore communists to the
PASOK. The other three are rightwing, ranging from
themoderate ND towhat has been called the “ultraright-
wing” Golden Dawn nationalist party.
The Golden Dawn victory was the most exciting
development of the Greek elections. With only 1.5
percent at the polls in January, the GoldenDawn entered
Parliament for the first time with an astonishing
7 percent of the vote, giving them 21 seats. A
political movement led by Nikolaos Michaloliakos
since 1980, the party has been growing rapidly despite
being ignored by theGreek establishment
media. This is largely
due to their uncompromising
stands on illegal immigration, repudiation
of the national debt and support
for the growth of a productive
Greek economy. Support for Golden
Dawn has grown by leaps and
bounds, especially among Greeks
whose entire world has come tumbling
down in the last two years.Unemployment has
reached 22 percent—twice the Eurozone average.
In the days following the election, the winning
party has three days to forma coalition to gain amajority.
If it fails to do so, the second party can try its
hand. If that fails, they must have a new election.
Michaloliakos told AMERICAN FREE PRESS in an exclusive
interview on May 9 that he is not backing
down. His party’s firstmission will be to stop illegal
immigration and deport all illegals. The criminal
bankers and politicians, who plunged Greece into
debt and despair illegally, must be put behind bars
and the debt reassessed for its legality.
Michaloliakos has never shied away from controversy,
despite facing several attempts on his life
over the years. InMarch 2010, the Golden Dawn officeswere
bombed, and therewas at least onemore
failed attempt on his life later that year.
The media have been working on portraying the
Golden Dawn as nazis and fascists in the hope of
killing support. Their enemies want them outlawed
and declared a criminal hate group. Their website
has been taken down for alleged “hate speech.” The
party’s “Greek key” logo has been referred to as a
swastika and Michaloliakos as another Hitler.
“They’ve all gone crazy since we got elected,”
Michaloliakos told AFP. “They have gone on a frenzy
around the clock to defame us and portray us as
nazis. Even Barroso is out to get us.” (Jose Barroso
is the president of the European Commission.)
Asked how he sees the election process unfolding,
Michaloliakos said: “It seems doubtful a coalition
government will be formed. We might have to
have elections again in June. The media is doing all
it can to scare people about us and to keep us out of
Parliament. They own all themedia.We need to find
money to wage another campaign.”
Michaloliakos added: “We will fight them with
everything we’ve got. . . . We will not quit until we
free Greece from the bankers’ occupation. Greece
belongs to the Greek people, not to the globalists.”
Meanwhile in France, Socialist Francois Hollande
edged out incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy for the
presidency. Hollande advocates a 75 percent tax on
the “rich,” housing for the poor and allowing gays
to marry and adopt. He has also announced that
France will be pulling out of the Afghanistan war.
Marine Le Pen of the right-wing, nationalist National
Front received an astounding 18 percent of
the vote, reflecting France’s rising nationalist trend.
Part of this is due to the fact that Marine, unlike
her father Jean-Marie, has softened her rhetoric in
order to broaden her support although she maintains
the same positions on restricting immigration,
protectionism, withdrawal from the euro and secession
from the European Union.
Peter Papaherakles, a U.S. citizen since 1986, was born in Greece.
Peter Papaherakles, a U.S. citizen since 1986, was born in Greece.
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