Χορηγία 7,3 εκατ. ευρώ από την Κομισιόν για ενίσχυση της υποδοχής στα νησιά και για αφανισμο της Ελλαδος

Λεφτά υπάρχουν… για τους λαθρομετανάστες! Χορηγία 7,3 εκατ. ευρώ από την Κομισιόν για ενίσχυση της υποδοχής στα νησιά
Ανακοινώθηκε σήμερα η χορήγηση επιπλέον έκτακτης χρηματοδότησης, ύψους 11 εκατ. ευρώ, από το Ταμείο Εσωτερικής Ασφάλειας (TEA) του Ευρωπαίου επιτρόπου Μετανάστευσης, Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων και Ιθαγένειας, Δημήτρη Αβραμόπουλου, για την ενίσχυση της ικανότητας υποδοχής και ταυτοποίησης "προσφύγων και μεταναστών" στην Ελλάδα και την υποστήριξη της θαλάσσιας έρευνας και διάσωσης στην Ιταλία.
Συγκεκριμένα, όπως ανακοίνωσε ο Έλληνας επίτροπος, στην Ελληνική Υπηρεσία Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης χορηγούνται 7,3 εκατ. ευρώ για την ενίσχυση της υποδοχής, της ταυτοποίησης και για την παροχή ιατρικών υπηρεσιών στα νησιά του Αιγαίου. Με τη σημερινή χρηματοδότηση η έκτακτη βοήθεια προς την Ελλάδα από τα ταμεία του χαρτοφυλακίου του Αβραμόπουλου ανέρχεται, πλέον, στα 353 εκατ. ευρώ.
Σημειώνεται, ότι εκτός από τα ελληνικά αιτήματα για έκτακτη χρηματοδότηση, τα οποία ο Αβραμόπουλος έχει ζητήσει να εξετάζονται κατά προτεραιότητα, 509 εκατ. ευρώ έχουν, ήδη, δεσμευθεί από τα ευρωπαϊκά ταμεία για τη μετανάστευση και την ασφάλεια για την Ελλάδα, στο πλαίσιο του εθνικού προγράμματός της για την περίοδο 2014-2020 (294,5 εκατ. ευρώ από το Ταμείο Ασύλου, Μετανάστευσης και Ένταξης (ΤΑΜΕ) και 214,7 εκατ. ευρώ από το Ταμείο Εσωτερικής Ασφάλειας.
Όλα για τους λαθρομετανάστες λοιπόν!

Κραυγή αγωνίας από την Περιφέρεια Βορείου Αιγαίου: Δεν αντέχουμε άλλους “πρόσφυγες”

Κραυγή αγωνίας από την Περιφέρεια Βορείου Αιγαίου: Δεν αντέχουμε άλλους “πρόσφυγες”
“Στο κόκκινο” έχει φτάσει η κατάσταση με την λαθρομετανάστευση στα νησιά του Αιγαίου, με αποτέλεσμα μέχρι και η Περιφερειάρχης Βορείου Αιγαίου, Χριστιάνα Καλογήρου, με επιστολή της προς τον αναπληρωτή Υπουργό Εσωτερικών αρμόδιο για θέματα Μεταναστευτικής Πολιτικής, Γιάννη Μουζάλα, και στον αναπληρωτή Υπουργό Εθνικής Άμυνας και επικεφαλής του Κεντρικού Συντονιστικού Οργάνου Διαχείρισης Προσφυγικής Κρίσης, Δημήτρη Βίτσα, να υπογραμμίζει επί της ουσίας την επιτακτική ανάγκη να αντιληφθούν όλοι ότι τα Ελληνικά νησιά δεν έχουν άλλη δυνατότητα υποδοχής και φιλοξενίας άλλων “προσφύγων” και λαθρομεταναστών, καθώς τα ήδη διαθέσιμα hot spots έχουν “φουλάρει”.

Η επιστολή της έχει ως εξής:

“Αξιότιμε Κύριε Υπουργέ,

Παρατηρούμε ότι υπάρχει μια σταθερή και μάλλον αυξανόμενη ροή μεταναστών και προσφύγων στα νησιά του Βορείου Αιγαίου.

Με δεδομένο ότι η χωρητικότητα των 3 Hot Spots έχει ήδη ξεπεραστεί, παρακαλούμε όπως ληφθεί εγκαίρως πρόνοια αποσυμφόρησης των νησιών.

Εκτιμάμε ότι η κατάσταση που εν δυνάμει τείνει να διαμορφωθεί θέτει το ζήτημα με ακόμα πιο επείγοντα , σε σύγκριση με το παρελθόν, τρόπο.”

Είναι ολοφάνερο, από το ύφος της γραφής, ότι η Περιφερειάρχης κρούει τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου όχι μόνο για την κατάσταση που επικρατεί ήδη στα νησιά του Βορείου Αιγαίου, αλλά και για το τι πρόκειται να συμβεί από εδώ και πέρα, αν δεν ληφθούν άμεσα μέτρα.

Και φυσικά η λύση στο πρόβλημα δεν είναι να μεταφερθεί σ' άλλα μέρη της Χώρας, αλλά να γίνει ένας αυστηρός και εξονυχιστικός έλεγχος στους ήδη παρευρισκόμενους “πρόσφυγες”, ώστε να διαπιστωθεί πόσοι απ' αυτούς πράγματι δικαιολογούν τον τίτλο του πρόσφυγα και με τους υπόλοιπους να απελαθούν, και βεβαίως να υπάρξει επιτέλους από εδώ και πέρα μια κανονική περιφρούρηση των θαλάσσιων συνόρων (τα οποία σε αντίθεση με την ασχετοσύνη του Τσίπρα υπάρχουν), που θα αποτρέπει την είσοδο άλλων λαθρομεταναστών.

Η συγκυβέρνηση ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΑΝΕΛ, όμως, συνεπικουρούμενη και από το υπόλοιπο “συνταγματικό τόξο” δεν θέλει να προβεί σε τέτοιες λύσεις, καθώς είναι “μη πολιτικά ορθές”.

ΕΑΜ.. Γραμματόσημο ή κωλόχαρτο;

Με αφορμη την έκδοση - από τα Ελληνικά Ταχυδρομεία - "Αναμνηστικής!!" σειράς γραμματοσήμων (δείτε εδώ), με θέμα τα 75 χρόνια από την ίδρυση του αλήστου μνήμης ΕΑΜ.

Αν ζούσαμε τότε το 1941, ίσως στην δίνη του καταστροφικού πολέμου, κι εμείς αρχικώς να είχαμε γίνει στην αρχή και για πολύ λίγο, εξ αγνοίας και άδολουπατριωτισμού μέλη του. Ουδείς ψόγος..τότε. Σήμερα όμως που γνωρίζουμε, την Ιστορική πραγματικότητα και τα τετελεσμένα γεγονότα, τη πληρη αλήθεια, είναι δειλία, υποκρισία, ύβρις προς τους μαρτυρες της αλήθειας, συνενοχή στην εξαπάτησι, να αποδεχθούμε το ψεύδος την διαστροφή την πλάνη, ως εάν η Ιστορία και αμέτρητες βασανισμένες ψυχές, δεν υπήρξαν ποτέ...

Καταγράφω τις ιστορικές θέσεις προσωπικοτήτων εγνωσμένης αντικειμενικότητος για το ΕΑΜ.
1. Γεώργιος Παπανδρέου ο επικαλούμενος Γέρος της Δημοκρατίας

1. 1 «…..Όσοι σωθούν από την μανία του κατακτητού, «κινδυνεύουν από την αδελφοκτόνο μανία των κουμμουνιστικών οργανώσεων..Ο Ελληνικός λαός, αγωνιών διερωτάται, πως και πότε θα σωθή από τα εγκλήματα και την κατατυράννησιν των δυναμικών οργανώσεων του ΕΑΜ, σπονδυλική στήλη των οποίων, ηγετική δύναμις είναι το Κομμουνιστικόν Κόμμα, το οποίον ενώ αποτελεί ελαχίστην μειοψηφίαν του Ελληνικού λαού, ασκεί δια των οργανώσεών του  τρομοκρατίαν.
Διότι πρέπει να γνωσθή ότι το ΕΑΜ επέρασεν από τρείς φάσεις. Κατ' αρχάς υπήρξε μεγάλη εθνική, ηθική, λαϊκή δύναμις. Βαθμιαίως όμως έγινε η αποκάλυψις των πολιτικών του σκοπών. Ο λαός αντελαμβάνετο ότι η σημαία του εθνικού αγώνος εχρησιμοποιείτο υπό της κομμουνιστικής ηγεσίας του ΕΑΜ δια την προετοιμασίαν της μετακατοχικής επικρατήσεως δια την βιαίαν κατάληψιν της εξουσίας εκ μέρους του κομμουνιστικού κόμματος. Και τότε άρχισε η Δευτέρα φάσις, αι αμφιβολίαι και αι επικρίσεις του λαού, δια την κατάπνιξιν των οποίων, η κομμουνιστική ηγεσία του ΕΑΜ, κατέφυγεν εις την βίαν, την καταδυνάστευσιν και την δίωξιν του λαού. Και τότε το ΕΑΜ εισήλθε εις την τρίτηνφάσιν, η οποία πλέον έχει διαμορφωθεί οριστικώς. Επαυσε να είναι εθνική, λαϊκή δύναμις, έγινε λαομίσητον. Και αποτελεί πλέον την ένοπλον οργάνωσιν της ελαχίστης μειοψηφίας η οποία ασκεί απηνή, αιματηρά τρομοκρατίαν εναντίον της μεγάλης πλειονοψηφίας»
(Πολιτική και Διπλωματική Ιστορία της Ελλάδος1941-1945.» Ι.Κοραντή, εκδόσεις «ΕΣΤΙΑΣ», Επιστολή του Γ.Παπανδρέου προς την Ελληνικήν Κυβερνησιν και το Συμμαχικόν Στρατηγείον)

1.2. «Ένοχοι προδοσίας δεν είναι μόνον όσοι συνεργάζονται με τον εχθρό. Είναι όσοι σκοτώνουν Έλληνες αγωνιστές της ελευθερίας. Το ΚΚΕ ως ηγετική δύναμις του ΕΑΜ ΕΛΑΣ, βαρυνεται με ευθύνες Εμφυλίου πολέμου. Η ώρα είναι τραγική για το έθνος και τον λαό μας ο Εμφύλιος πόλεμος μαίνεται. Ο πληθυσμός της υπαίθρου σφαγιάζεται κατά χιλιάδας και ζητεί στέγην στην καρδια του χειμώνα μεσα στα σπηλαια. Οι πόλεις και τα χωριά μας παραδίδονται στις φλόγες. Η υπόληψις της Ελλάδος και του Εθνικού μας αγώνα ελαττώνεται στην συνείδησι τω Συμμάχων μας.. Ας απελευθερωση το ΚΚΕ την χωραν από την δυναμικήν κατοχην του και ας αποδωση από τώρα την ελευθερίαν που υπόσχεται δια το μελλον..»
(Η Απελευθερωσις της Ελλαδος Β Εκδοσις Αθηναι 1945)

2. Κ. Τσάτσος (Ακαδημαικος, Καθηγητής, Προέδρος Δημοκρατίας) 2.1 «..Η αναγνώριση του ΕΑΜ αντί να φέρη τη λήθη, ξύπνησε μνήμη νεκρών και σφαγιασμένων». Απο τη φύση μου δεν είμαι φανατικός. Αναγνωρίζω το κομμουνιστικό κόμμα που κινείται στα συνταγματικά πλάισια, έστω και άν ξέρω ότι πολιτική του είναι, μόλις βρή ευκαιρία, να τα σπάση και να επιβάλη ένα μονοκοματικό ολοκληρωτικό καθεστώς. Αλλά δεν ανέχομαι την παραχάραξη της Ιστορίας. Ακόμη λιγότερο την παραχάραξη που γίνεται για δημαγωγικούς σκοπούς. Δέχομαι το παρόν και το μέλλον του κομμουνιστικού κόμματος. Δεν δέχομαι το παρελθόν του στην Ελλάδα, ακριβώς διότι πιστεύω στην Ελλάδα.
«Λογοδοσία Μιάς Ζωής» Κ.Τσάτσου, Οι εκδόσεις φίλων 2ος τόμος, σελίς 619
2.2 «.. Στην Ελλάδα ο κομμουνισμός πέρα από την εσωτερική κοινωνική πολιτική, είχε τη δική του εξωτερική πολιτική. Οπως εβαζε την ιδέα του ανθρώπου κάτω απο την ιδέα της κοινωνικής τάξης, έτσι έβαζε την ιδέα του Έθνους κάτω από την ιδέα του κομουνιστικού κινήματος. Και εν ονομότι αυτού του τελευταίου, πρόθυμα έκανε παραχωρήσεις ελληνικών εδαφών στους ιδεολογικά ομολόγους βορείους, οι οποίοι ήταν πρώτα εθνικιστές και ύστερα κομμουνιστές, ενώ φανατικοί αφελείς δικοί μας, οραματιζόμενοι μια ομοσπονδία βαλκανικών λαών, όλων κομμουνιστών, δεν ενδιαφέρονταν για τα εδαφικά σύνορα της Ελλάδος. Τέτοιοι ήταν εκείνοι που διηύθηναν το ΕΑΜ, οπου πολλοί αθώοι και αφελείς είχαν ανεπανόρθωτα εμπλακεί. Προς τα εκεί αυτοί βαδίζανε. Και θα κατόρθωναν πιθανώς το 1944 να επιτύχουν το σκοπό τους, αν δεν έκαναν λάθη τακτικής. Αν δεν έσφαζαν πέρα απο το ανεκτό όριο, ώστε να προκαλέσουν την αντίδρασι των και των πιο αδρανών και των πιο φοβισμένων. Αν δε έβγαζαν τόσο γρήγορα το προσωπείο του πατριώτη και αν αντί να υπακούσουν στον Τίτο, υπάκουαν στον Στάλιν, που για γενικότερους λόγους είχε παραχωρήσει την Ελλάδα στην ζώνη επιρροής της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας..»
(Λογοδοσία μια ζωής εκδόσεις των φίλων Τόμος δεύτερος σελίς 616)
2.3 «...Θέλω όμως να διαστείλω το ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ απο τις άλλες αντιστασιακές οργανώσεις. Κατά τι διαφέρει αυτή η ομάδα από όλες τις άλλες? Πρώτα, κατά το ότι παράλληλα με τον αγώνα κατά των Γερμανών, έκαμε αγώνα εναντίον όλων των Ελλήνων που δεν ήσαν κομμουνιστές, εναντίον των Ελλήνων που μπορούσαν να τους γίνουν εμπόδιο στην επιβολή ενός κομμουνιστικού καθεστώτος. Και όσο προχωρούσαμε προς την απελευθέρωση, αύξανε η δράση τους για την επιβολή του κομμουνιστικού καθεστώτος. Σκοπός τους ήταν όχι η εκδίωξη των Γερμανών, αλλά η μετά την απελευθέρωση επικράτησή τους….. Η δευτέρα διαφορά είναι ότι το ΕΑΜ- ΕΛΑΣ στον αγώνα για την επιβολή του δικού του καθεστώτος και κατά την διάρκεια της κατοχής και μετά, μεταχειρίσθηκε ως μέσον την εξόντωση εκείνων των διαφωνούντων που μπορούσαν να σταθούν εμπόδιο στους σκοπούς των. Και εφρόντιζαν με την συνομωτική τους τέχνη όλους αυτούς να τους στιγματίσουν ως προδότες του αγώνος, ενώ αυτοί αντιδρούσαν όχι στον εθνικό, αλλα μόνο στο δικό τους καθεστωτικό αγώνα. Ακόμη και την άμυνα εναντίον των σφαγέων την παρουσίαζαν ως εθνική προδοσία. Εσφαξαν τον Ψαρρό και τους αξιωματικούς του τους αφόπλισαν. Επιτέθηκαν τρείς φορές εναντίον του Ζέρβα ώσπου να τον διαλύσουν. Εξόντωσαν όλες τις μικρότερες αντιστασιακές οργανώσεις που δεν προέρχονταν από το Κ.Κ. Ολοφάνερη γίνεται αυτή η πολιτική όταν σκεφθούμε την ανταρσία του στρατού και του στόλου στην Μέση Ανατολή, που επιβεβαίωνε την παρουσία της Ελλάδος στον αγώνα. Ποιά δικαιολογία μπορεί να βρεθεί σε αυτό το πολιτικό έγκλημα? Και έρχεται σήμερα ένας νόμος και αναγνωρίζει το ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ ως εθνική αντίσταση που τελειώνει στις 19 Οκτωβρίου 1944, ενώ το ιδιο το ΕΑΜ-ΕΛΑΣ από την ημερομηνία αυτή έως τον Ιούλιο του 1949, με την ίδια ηγεσία, με την ίδια οργάνωση, με τις ίδιες μεθόδους, με τα ίδια στελέχη συνεχίζει τον καθεστωτικό αγώνα που άρχισε το 1942. Με ποιό δικαίωμα ερχόμαστε να αμνηστεύσουμε τα πρώτα χρόνια του εγκλήματος αλλά και στην συνέχεια τα υπόλοιπα όταν δεν υπήρχε πιά εχθρός στην Ελλάδα αλλά μόνο Ελληνες που εξακολουθούσαν να σφάζονται από τους ίδιους ανθρώπους με τις ίδιες μεθόδους? Αναγνωρίζοντας το πρό της 19ης Οκτωβρίου 1944 ΕΑΜ ως Εθνική Αντίσταση, αναγνωρίζουμε ως εθνική αντίσταση και εκείνους που οργάνωσαν την σφαγή των Δεκεμβριανών…»
3. Θεμιστοκλής Σοφούλης (Βενιζελικός ο δικηγόρος των ''διωκομένων δημοκρατικών πολιτών'', και ανένδοτος αντίπαλος της Δεξιάς). «Υπολείπεται η εξέτασις του ζητήματος των ανταρτικών σωμάτων, των οποιων ο εμφύλιος σπαραγμός προκαλεί την γενικήν απογοήτευσιν,…δεδομένου ότι ο βασικός στόχος του ΕΑΜ είναι η επικράτησίς του προς βιαίαν επιβολήν ιδίων επιδιώξεων…. Εις την συνείδησιν του λαού και κατ' εξοχήν του λαού της Υπαίθρου, εμφανίζεται πλέον το ΕΑΜ ως μία μεγάλη πληγή δια το παρόν και ως φορεύς μεγαλυτέρων κινδύνων δια το μέλλον,… Εξ αγνοίας η παραγνωρίσεως των εν Ελλάδι προσώπων και πραγμάτων παρεδόθη ο ανταρτικός αγών εις χείρας ανευθύνων αναρμοδίων και επικινδύνων προσώπων. Και αποτέλεσμα είναι ότι ο απελευθερωτικός αγών διεμορφώθη έργω ως κίνησις μόνον καταστροφής του Ελληνικού λαού… Η Ελλάς στενάζει σήμερον υπό την πίεσιν διττής κατακτήσεως του αλλοδαπού εχθρού και του ημεδαπού κατακτητού ο οποίος εν ονόματι της ελευθερίας κατεργάζεται, και αυτός την υποδούλωσιν της Ελλάδος δια πυρός και σιδήρου…. Ο Ελληνικός Λαός δεν απέστερξε ποτέ να υποστή και τας μεγαλυτέρας θυσίας προς εξυπηρέτησιν του συμμαχικού αγώνος. Αλλ' υποβάλλεται σήμερον εις βαρυτάτας θυσίας και τεραστίας καταστροφάς. Δια τούτο λαμβάνω το θάρρος να υποβάλλω δι' υμών μίαν θερμήν παράκλησιν. Να δοθή προς το ΕΑΜ η διαταγή να παύση του λοιπού η αγρία, η απάνθρωπος συμπεριφορά απέναντι μεμονωμένων αιχμαλώτων, όχι συνήθως εκ του πεδίου της μάχης αλλ' εξ' ενέδρας η τυχαίας συναντήσεως. Οι πενήντα-εκατό Γερμανοί αιχμάλωτοι τους οποίους μέχρι τούδε εφόνευσε το ΕΑΜ, δεν επιφέρουν βεβαίως αισθητήν μείωσιν της μαχητικής δυνάμεως του εχθρού, εκόστισεν όμως ο φόνος αυτών δι' αντίποινα εις τον Ελληνικόν Λαόν την εξολόθρευσιν πλείστων κωμοπόλεων και χωρίων και πολλάς χιλιάδας θανατικών εκτελέσεων ομήρων. Εκ της αφορμής αυτής ο Ελληνικός Λαός εθρήνησε μέχρι τούδε νεκρούς πολύ περισσοτέρους από τους πεσόντας ενδόξως κατά τον ιταλικόν πόλεμον ολόκληρον. Προσβάλλεται δε κυρίως η τιμή του Ελληνικού λαού εκ της θηριώδους αυτής διαγωγής του ΕΑΜ, δηλαδή της σφαγής μεμονωμένων αιχμαλώτων.»
Πολιτική και Διπλωματική Ιστορία της Ελλάδος1941-1945.» Ι. Κοραντή, εκδόσεις «ΕΣΤΙΑΣ» . Τόμος 1ος, σελίς 252, Επιστολη της 18ης Ιανουαρίου 1944, προς τον Υπουργόν Στρατιωτικων της εν Καιρω Ελληνικής Κυβερνήσεως)
4. Θεοφύλακτος Παπακωνσταντίνου, διανοούμενος, κοινωνιολόγος και δημοσιογραφος τροτσκιστής στα νιάτα του)
Η ίδρυσις του ΕΑΜ ΚΑΙ του ΕΛΑΣ
«..Όταν την 22αν Ιουνίου του 1941 εξαπέλυσε ο Χίτλερ την αιφνιδιαστικήν επίθεσιν του κατά της Σοβ. Ρωσσίας, οι Έλληνες Κομμουνιστές τα έχασαν. Και χρειάσθησαν εβδομάδας ολοκλήρους, έως ότου συνέλθουν και χαράξουν νέαν γραμμήν επι τη βάσει έξωθι οδηγιών. Η "εθνικη" αντίστασις, της οποίας εμφανίζονται πρωτεργάται, ήτο πλέον δι αυτούς αντίστασις κατά των εχθρών της Ρωσσίας και μόνον συμπτωματικώς "εθνικη". Αν δεν εμεσολάβει η γερμανοσοβιετική σύγκρουσις, το ΚΚΕ υπό τας ιδίας συνθήκας κατοχής θα εξελίσσετο εις άθλιον πρακτοράτος του Χιτλερισμού. Παρήλθον αρκετοί μήνες έως ότου το ΚΚΕ προσανατολισθή εις τα δημιουργηθείσας νέας συνθήκας. Η 27η Σεπτεμβρίου του 1941, η οποία φέρεται ως ημερομηνία ιδρύσεως του ΕΑΜ (όπως και ο Ιανουάριος του 1942 ως μην ιδρύσεως του ΕΛΑΣ) είναι εντελώς πλασματικαί ημερομηνίαι, που αντιπροσωπεύουν μόνον την εκ των υστέρων επιθυμίαν του ΚΚΕ, όπως εμφανισθή ως έγκαιρος οργανωτής της αντιστάσεως. Ενώ η αλήθεια είναι ότι πολύ βραδύτερον ακόμη και το ΕΑΜ ήτο άγνωστον."
(Ανατομια της επαναστάσεως, Αθηναι 1952 του Θ. Παπακωνσταντίνου)
5. Άφησα τελευταιο ένα σημαίνον στέλεχος του ΚΚΕ Τον Γιάννη Ιωαννίδη ηγετικό στέλεχος και βουλευτής του ΚΚΕ, αντιστασιακός, μέλος της Προσωρινής Δημοκρατικής Κυβέρνησης και της ηγεσίας του ΔΣΕ
«..Ο κρατικός μηχανισμός είναι σχεδόν σμπαραλιασμένος. Στρατος δεν υπάρχει και τα σωματα ασφαλείας δεν λειτουργούν κανονικά. Μια πρωτοφανής εξαθλιωσι του λαού τον σπρώχνει στα άκρα σε επαναστατικές λύσεις Το κόμμα μας ανασυγκροτείται και οργανώνει το ΕΑΜ, μπαίνει επικεφαλής του λαού στην πάλη για την εθνική μας απελευθέρωσι. Μόνον η μπότα του ξένου κατακτητή κρατεί την κατάστασι.
Οι στρατιωτικές δυνάμεις των Γερμανών και των Ιταλών που βρίσκονται στην Ελλαδα, συγκρατούν το ξέσπασμα του λαού. Μόλις κλονισθεί η στρατιωτική δύναμη του Άξονα, τοτε το ξεσήκωμα του λαού θα είναι αναπόφευκτο.
Στο κόμμα μας θα πέσει τότε το ιστορικό καθήκον να οργανώσει την εξέγερση αυτή του λαού, να μπει επικεφαλής και φροντίζοντας να εφαρμοστούν όλοι οι νομοί και οι κανόνες της ένοπλης εξέγερσης και του εμφυλίου πολέμου να οδηγήσει τον λαό στη νίκη ..στον δρόμο της οριστικής και κοινωνικής απελευθέρωσης

(Ιωαννιδη Γιαννη Αναμνήσεις Προβλήματα της πολιτικής του ΚΚΕ Στην Εθνική Αντίστασι εκδόσεις θεμέλιο 1949)

People Rising Up Against New World Order.

Resurgence of nationalism across globe could herald new era of freedom.

 Andy Serwer Yahoo's  editor-in-chief,believes “We’re suffering the consequences of too much democracy.”
By Ronald L. Ray
For 100 years and more, the political elites and secret string-pullers of
government were happy to have the intellectually myopic masses of the
doltocracy voting and marching behind them into the New World Order (NWO). But no more.!!!
In country after country, the populace is awakening to the elites’ open assault on traditions, history, and values—upon Western civilization. Leading the advance toward tyranny, the chattering classes of corrupt politicians and simpering, servile pundits felt confident of their strength. But faced with the peaceful anger of nationalists and populists, our “betters” have decided democratic voting isn’t so swell.
For centuries, the culture destroyers have chipped away at the foundations of Christian and white civilization. They have used and abused us at every
level. Now that a significant number of people are awake to the reality in America and abroad and seek to break the cycle of abuse, the internationalist cabals have panicked and become increasingly extreme—and just plain nutty—in their efforts to maintain control.
James Traub is a contributing editor of  Foreign Policy and member of the Council on ForeignRelations (CFR). Following the Brexit vote, Traub penned a commentary for Foreign Policy titled, “It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses.” This cultural communist wants the phony “right” and “left,” which internationalists created for purposes of controlled opposition, to rejoin as “the sane vs. the mindlessly angry” and “to form a different kind of center, defending pragmatism, meliorism, technical knowledge, and effective governance.” Blah, blah, blah.
That’s right. You are a mindless animal to the plutocratic poohbahs. How dare you reject the wonderful, beneficent improvements brought by
multicultural “diversity,” total globalization, loss of national identity, cultural and moral decay, and the impoverishment of the middle and working
classes. You are, says Traub, “ignorant.
Despite the huge numbers of young people seeking a return to tradition and the values that built Western civilization, Traub pushes the Big Lie that opponents of the NWO are just elderly whites angry at losing their comfortable past. Far
from recognizing reality, he tries to create a false one. Yet, with faulty logic, he still wants nation- alists to join up with the destructive globalist forces they oppose. Huh?
Across the Big Puddle, the nattering Belgian nabob, David Van Reybrouck, asserts, in a transla-tion provided by The Guardian , that Brexit proves popular elections are dangerous to modern “democracy.” So long as people were
apathetic but trusted the traitorous politicians,elections were great, he writes.
Now that they want to throw off the twin yokes of banksterism and bureaucratic globalism, popular “passion and distrust” must be deprived
of a political voice. Citibank warns that likely referenda in Italy, Hungary, and elsewhere are highly “risky.
Van Reybrouck shrieks that Brexit was unprecedented and allegedly destabilizing. So many laws will have to be changed, he frets. Forgetting the powerful, positive effects of popular referenda in 1930s Germany, Van Reybrouck wants to end all popular elections. Instead, tiny, “randomly
selected,” tightly controlled and carefully propagandized focus groups would be permitted to advise the bureaucratic bullies and “vote” for the
latest NWO nonsense.
Freedom’s “death by committee” would thereby be ensured. This is not just a European Unionevent, either. It is also well under way in the U.S.,as unelected regional planning councils—think “commissariats”—and “intergovernmental co-
operation” committees are handed increasing control over the functions of governance. Trotskyite tyranny is what Van Reybrouck reallywants.
Andy Serwer, Yahoo’s finance editor-in-chief, concurs. “We’re suffering the consequences of toomuch democracy,” he whines. Popular referenda,
which 26 U.S. states permit, upset the financial pharaohs and loosened their stranglehold on the masses. At state and national levels, this is insufferable, he whimpers. Rather, we should just trust the politicians, lobbyists, and lawyers. They are the “experts,” apparently by the mere fact that we elected the politicians.
The NWO has been flanked by those it thought it controlled and is in momentary disarray before the nationalists and populists on two continents.
The Establishment must not be permitted to rest or entrench.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Kissingers  of the world—armchair generals all—hate us, our history, and our culture. They would enslave us nor destroy us—no matter which.
Friends, it is you, your children, your homes, your religious faith and personal freedom, your nation and civilization that the internationalists despise and would subject to their diabolical dominion. They will not stop, so we must not.
Our battle cry must be “Pro aris et focis”—“For altars and hearths!” For God, country, and family! Raise the black flag. No retreat. No surrender. No quarter to the enemies of our Christian, European-American civilization. Victory lies not in the comfort of the present day.
Ahead to victory.As Thomas Paine wrote, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
Ronald L. Ray
is a freelance author and an assistant editor of
He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence. Contact Ron by email at write2ron@yandex.com.

Δήλωση Ν.Γ. Μιχαλολιάκου για τους Ήρωες της Κύπρου και την “γιορτή της Δημοκρατίας”

Analysis: The Failed Coup Against Erdogan

A range of theories have risen recently regarding the failed military coup in Turkey, many commenting on the sloppiness and inability of the military to take power.  While the coup was poorly executed, it did show signs of planning, and in this article, we analyise what we so far know about the coup that wasn’t to be, as well as it’s ramifications for Greece and the region.
Coupes are nothing new to Turkey, though it has been 35 years since the last attempt by the military to take power. Erdogans’ AKP party supporters where successful in blocking the military, leaving 118 executives (generals, admirals, lieutenants) to be arrested as Erdogan retakes power in the country.
Who was behind the coup?
Erdogan has claimed that the coup was an attempt by an Islamist fundamentalist by the name of Gulen, who also happens to have close links to the CIA. Gulen was a mentor and supporter of Erdogan, both of whom had links to Radical Islamic groups and wanted to steer Turkey towards an Islamist path, though the two clashed heavily on foreign policy.
Gulen is unlikely to be behind the failed putschists, as the military made it clear in their statement that they wanted to return Turkey to it’s Kemalist/secular heritage.
The essence of the coup was to confront the Islamist forces that have recently taken power in turkey, particularly under Erdogan’s fundamentalist AKP party.  It appears the same radical Muslims that support Erodagan where his main foot soldiers who resisted the military, securing his seat at the head of the Turkish State.
Would the secular/Kemalist military coup be good for Greece?
A Turk can never be trusted, be they Islamic Fundamentalists, or secular Kemalists. As mentioned earlier, the coup leaders promised to restore ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’, which is taken straight from the book of Kemal, who preached the same lies while the Young Turks literally slaughtered millions of Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians and other Christian groups in Turkey.
Both fundamentalist and secular Turks have one thing in common – a common hatred for the West, in particular for Greece.
It’s in our interest to see one of our greatest enemies divided, with neither faction securing total control. For now it looks as if Erdogan while take vengeance on those that crossed him, and may be a in good position to claim even greater political power in Turkey.
What was the purpose of the Coup?
At a glance, we can assume the mostly secular military doesn’t agree with Erdogans policy of supporting Radical Muslim terrorists in Syria, while shaking hands with NATO and the Zionists at the same time. This is a dangerous geo-political game, and while the Americans have mostly done the same, the repercussions of such a policy has led to failures in the Middle East. This includes Assad’s recent victories in Syria, as well as Iraq falling once again into Iran’s sphere of influence, which further place more stress on the Turkish military, who also was forced to provoke the Russian state at their northern door step.
Now that Erdogan has won, what is the result for Greece and the rest of Europe?
Never let a good crisis go to waste’
Unfortunately Erdogan has not only come out on top, but he also taken advantage of the situation to strengthen his power in Turkey. With the country only recently slipping out of a state of Emergency, Erdogan can now continue to pursue his goal of becoming an executive president, and now with added justification to do so.
The success of Erdogan over the coup has raised his popularity, as he presents himself the champion of the people. This will provide further incentive to further cleanse the military & establishment of any subversives, and tighten Islamist influence in Turkey.
The Kurds & Alevis played it safe, distancing themselves from the coup in the event that they would be unable to take power. As a result, it looks as if Erdogan has instilled a great amount of fear in formerly rebellious minorities, to the point they know feel paralysed to rise up against the Turkish State.

As Erdogan solidifies his power base in Turkey, he presents himself as a stronger opponent to Greece and Europe, but at the same time, further polarises his own country. Hopefully, the failed coup, particularly in it’s poor planning and execution, will raise the bar for secularists and minorities (particularly Kurds in the South East) who can now better plan for future movements against the Turkish state.

Εκατοντάδες Έλληνες στην εκδήλωση Τιμής για τους πολεμιστές της Κύπρου

Κατάμεστη είναι η αίθουσα κεντρικού ξενοδοχείου των Αθηνών, όπου η Επιτροπή Εθνικής Μνήμης οργανώνει εκδήλωση Τιμής για τους Έλληνες Ήρωες της Κύπρου.

Στην εκδήλωση όπου κεντρικός ομιλητής είναι ο Γενικός Γραμματέας του Λαϊκού Συνδέσμου - Χρυσή Αυγή, Ν. Γ. Μιχαλολιάκος θα βραβευθούν οι Ηρωικοί Άνδρες των Ελληνικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων που φύλαξαν τις σύγχρονες Θερμοπύλες στην Eλληνική Mεγαλόνησο.

Οι Έλληνες Εθνικιστές στέλνουν μήνυμα πως δεν ξεχνούν αυτούς που αντιστάθηκαν στον Αττίλα και παρέμειναν λησμονημένοι από το προδοτικό κράτος της μεταπολίτευσης.

Θα ακολουθήσει εκτενές φωτορεπορτάζ.

Mike Pence's speech at the Republican National Convention


Mr. Chairman, delegates, friends and my fellow Americans: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am deeply humbled by your confidence and on behalf of my family, here and gone, I accept your nomination to run and serve as Vice President of the United States of America.
And let me thank Speaker Paul Ryan for that gracious welcome. Paul, you're a true friend and a great American leader. Paul knows it well, and he knows the introduction I prefer is just a little bit shorter: I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican — in that order.
You know, I'm new to this campaign. And honestly, I never thought I'd be standing here. I thought I'd be spending this evening with all my friends in the great state of Indiana. Yet there I was, a few days ago in New York City, with a man who won 37 states; who faced 16 talented opponents and outlasted every one of them; and along the way, brought millions of new voters into the Republican Party.
He is a man known for having a large personality, a colorful style, and lots of charisma. I think he was just looking for some balance on the ticket.
For those of you who don't know me — which is most of you — I grew up on the front row of the American dream. My grandfather immigrated to this country. I was raised in a small town in southern Indiana, in a big family with a cornfield in the backyard. Although we weren't really a political family, the heroes of my youth were President John F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
When I was young, I watched my mom and dad build everything that matters. A family, a business, a good name. I was raised to believe in hard work, in faith, and family. My dad was a combat veteran in Korea. My dad ran gas stations in our small town and was a great father. If dad were here with us today, I have a feeling he would enjoy this moment, and would probably be pretty surprised.
But it is such a joy for me to tell you that my mother is here. Would you join me in welcoming the light of my life, my mom, Nancy?
You know, growing up, I actually started in politics in the other party, until I hear the voice and the ideals of the 40th president, and I signed onto the Reagan Revolution. But the best thing that ever happened to me, even counting tonight, is that 31 years ago, I married the girl of my dreams — a schoolteacher and artist. She is everything to me. Would you welcome my wonderful wife, Karen Pence?
And regardless of any title I will ever hold, the most important job I will ever have is spelled D-A-D. Karen and I are blessed. We are blessed to be the parents of the three greatest kids in the world: A writer named Charlie, a college student named Audrey, and a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, Michael J. Pence. I'm so proud of you guys.
If you know anything about Hoosiers, you know we like to suit up and compete. We play to win. That is why I joined this campaign in a heartbeat. You have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down — a fighter, and a winner. Until now, he has had to do it all by himself, against all odds. But this week, with this united party, come November 8, I know we will elect Donald Trump to be the 45th President of the United States of America.
We will win because we are running on the issues facing this country, and because we are leveling with the American people about the stakes and the choice. The American people are tired of being told. They're tired of being told that this is as good as it gets. Tired of hearing politicians in both parties tell us that we will get to that tomorrow while we pile a mountain range of debt on our children and grandchildren. As Ronald Reagan used to say, we're tired of being told that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives better for us than we can plan them for ourselves.
In the end, this election comes down to just two names on the ballot; So let's resolve here and now that Hillary Clinton will never become President of the United States of America. Hillary Clinton essentially offers a third Obama term. The role is perfect for her. She championed Obamacare because years earlier she had all but invented it. The national debt has nearly doubled in these eight years, and her only answer is to keep borrowing and spending. Like the president, she thinks that the path to a growing economy is more taxes and more regulation and more government.
They tell us this economy is the best that we can do. It's nowhere near the best that we can do. It's just the best that they can do. Let me tell you, I know firsthand, it dow not have to be like this. In my home state of Indiana, we prove every day that you can build a growing economy on balanced budgets, low taxes, even while making record investments in education and roads and healthcare.
You know, Indiana is a state that works because conservative principles work every time you put them into practice. The nation suffers under the weight of $19 trillion in national debt, we in Indiana have a $2 billion surplus. The highest credit rating in the nation, even though we've cut taxes every year since I became governor four years ago. We have fewer state employees than when I took office, and businesses large and small have created nearly 150,000 new jobs. That is what you can do with commonsense Republican leadership, and that is exactly what the no-nonsense leadership of Donald Trump will bring to the White House.
Donald Trump gets it. He's the genuine article. He is a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers. When Donald Trump does his talking, he doesn't tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness. He is his own man. Distinctly American. And where else would an independent spirit like that find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
The funny thing is, the party in power seems helpless to figure out the nominee. The media has the same problem. They all keep telling each other that the usual methods will work against him. They keep thinking that they've done him in, only to wake up the next morning and find that Donald Trump is still standing and stronger than ever before.
The man just doesn't quit. He is tough. He perseveres. He has gone about as far as you can go in business, but he has never turned his back on the working men and women who serve and protect us at home and abroad. It has been a heartbreaking time for the women and men in our law enforcement community. In this time of great testing for them, let's let them know here and now, all across this country, we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line of law enforcement in America.
Now, while Donald Trump was taking my measure as a possible running mate, I did some observing myself. I have seen the way he deals with people who work for him at every level. I've seen the way they feel about working for him. I grant you, he can be a little rough with politicians on stage, and I bet we see that again.
But I have seen this good man up close. His utter lack of pretense, his respect for the people who work for him, and his devotion to his family. If you still doubt what I'm saying, as we say back home, you can't fake good kids. How about his amazing children? Aren't they something? These are the true measures of our nominee. Chosen by the voters as the right man for these times. This is the outsider, my running mate — turned a longshot campaign into a movement.
Over in the other party, the idea was to present the exact opposite of a political outsider. The exact opposite of a calculating truth-teller. On that score, you have to hand it to the Democratic establishment — they outdid themselves this time.
At the very moment when America is crying out for something new and different, the other party has answered with a stale agenda and the most predictable of names. People in both parties are restless for change, ready to break free from old patterns in Washington, and Democrats are about to anoint someone who represents everything this country is tired of. You know, Hillary Clinton wants a better title. And I would too if I was already America's secretary of the status quo.
The choice could not be more clear: Americans can elect someone who literally personifies the field establishment in Washington D.C., or we can choose a leader who will fight every day to make America great again. It is change versus status quo, and my fellow Republicans when Donald Trump becomes President of the United States, the change will be huge.
For years we have had fundamental problems in America that get talked to death in Washington D.C., but they never get solved. They even get worse.
We've seen entire stretches of our country the written off by bad economic policies in ways that are deeply unfair. We see relentless mandates from the executive branch. It seems like no aspect of our lives is too small for the present administration to supervise, and no provision of the Constitution is too large for them to ignore.
Meanwhile, we have seen borders that go unrespected, A military that has been diminished, promise after ringing promise to our veterans promptly forgotten. Then Donald Trump came along and started saying what practically everybody was thinking anyway, that our leaders need to be stronger.
Under Donald Trump, our deals will be stronger. Under Donald Trump, our deals will be smarter, our soldiers will have what they need, and our veterans will have what they earned.
The good news is that it will not be nearly enough. Not against a candidate who captures the attention of the country the way Donald Trump has. Issue by issue, he and I will take our case to the voters. Pointing out the failures of the Obama/Clinton agenda and showing a better way, we will win the hearts and minds of the American people with an agenda for a stronger and more prosperous America.
Now, Washington D.C. thinks it's only a narrow range of voters who will give Donald Trump a serious look, but I can tell you firsthand, there are a lot of Americans who feel like Democratic politicians taking them for granted. It is union members who don't want a president who promises to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. Those miners want an American energy policy, and they know that Donald Trump digs coal.
It is African-Americans who remember generations of hollow promises about safe streets and better schools, and they know Donald Trump will fight for equal opportunity, and he loves educational choice. It is Hispanic Americans who respect the law, who want jobs and opportunities for their families, who know that Donald Trump will uphold the law and get this economy moving for every American.
You know, the party of Lincoln was founded on equality and opportunity. During these difficult days, it will be our party in our agenda opens the doors for every American to succeed and prosper in this land. In so many ways, the Democratic Party has abandoned those and used to protect. Maybe they've become too entrenched in power. So comfortable at times but they lose patience with the normal legislative process. It's so much simpler to impose their values by executive order or court action, and make no mistake about it: Hillary Clinton has big ideas along those lines.
As this election approaches, every American should know that while we are filling the presidency for the next four years, this election will define the Supreme Court for the next 40. We all had better think very, very carefully about what this means for our Constitution and limited government. Elect Hillary Clinton, and you better get used to being subject to unelected judges, using unaccountable power to take unconstitutional actions.
For the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of the sanctity of life, for the sake of our Second Amendment, and for the sake of all our other God-given liberties, we must ensure that the next president appointing justices to the Supreme Court is Donald Trump.
And Hillary Clinton's record on foreign affairs is even worse. It was Hillary Clinton who helped undo all the games of the troops urge. A staggering failure of judgment that set ice is loose. It was Hillary Clinton who instigated the president's disastrous agreement with the radical people of their own. It was Hillary Clinton who left Americans in harms way in Benghazi. Then she said, "What difference at this point does it make?"
As the proud father of a United States Marine, let me say for my heart: Anyone who said that, anyone who did that should be disqualified from ever serving as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Seven and a half years of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's policies have weekend Americas place in the world. Terrorist attacks at home and abroad, grim and heartbreaking scenes from France just a few weeks ago, and the attempted coup in Turkey all attest to a world spinning apart. History teaches that weakness arouses evil. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's foreign-policy of leading from behind, moving red lines, feigning resets with Russia, and the rise, rule, and reign of ISIS are a testament to the truth of history.
We cannot have four more years apologizing to her enemies and abandoning our friends. America needs to be strong for the world to be safe, and on the world stage, Donald Trump will lead from strength.
Donald Trump will rebuild our military and stand with our allies. Donald Trump will confront radical Islamic terrorism at its source and destroy the enemy of our freedom. If the world does nothing else, it will notice: America stands with Israel.
If you looked at the calendar this morning, you may have noticed, the presidency of Barack Obama ends exactly six months from today. This much is certain of the Obama years: They are not ending well. There seem to be so many things that divide us, so few great purposes that Unitas as they once did. It is at moments like this, moments when politics fail, but I believe we do well to remember what unites us far exceeds anything that sets us apart in America. That we are, as we have always been, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Should I have the awesome privilege to serve as your vice president, I promise to keep faith with that conviction, to pray daily for a wise and discerning heart, for who is able to govern this great people without it?
My fellow Americans, I believe we have come to another rendezvous with destiny and I have faith, faith in the boundless capacities of the American people, and faith that God can still heal our land.
But we have a choice to make. This is another time for choosing. If you want a president who will protect this nation, confront radical Islamic terrorism, and rid the world of ISIS; if you want a president who will restore lawn order to this country and give lawn force meant the support and resources they deserve; if you want a president who will cut taxes grow our economy and squeeze every nickel out of the federal bureaucracy; if you want to President will build strong borders and enforce our laws, and if you want to president who will upend the status quo in Washington D.C. and a point justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold the Constitution; we have one choice – and that man is ready. This team is ready. Our party is ready. And when we elect Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States, together we will make America great again.
Thank you, and God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

Donald Trump 2016 RNC draft speech transcript!!!!

Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States.

Together, we will lead our party back to the White House, and we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace. We will be a country of generosity and warmth. But we will also be a country of law and order.

Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.

I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.

The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.

It is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation.

I will present the facts plainly and honestly. We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore.

So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully-crafted lies, and the media myths the Democrats are holding their convention next week.

But here, at our convention, there will be no lies. We will honor the American people with the truth, and nothing else.

These are the facts:

Decades of progress made in bringing down crime are now being reversed by this Administration’s rollback of criminal enforcement.

Homicides last year increased by 17% in America’s fifty largest cities. That’s the largest increase in 25 years. In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent. They are up nearly 60% in nearby Baltimore.

In the President’s hometown of Chicago, more than 2,000 have been the victims of shootings this year alone. And more than 3,600 have been killed in the Chicago area since he took office.

The number of police officers killed in the line of duty has risen by almost 50% compared to this point last year. Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, ordered deported from our country, are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.

The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. They are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.

One such border-crosser was released and made his way to Nebraska. There, he ended the life of an innocent young girl named Sarah Root. She was 21 years-old, and was killed the day after graduating from college with a 4.0 Grade Point Average. Her killer was then released a second time, and he is now a fugitive from the law.

I’ve met Sarah’s beautiful family. But to this Administration, their amazing daughter was just one more American life that wasn’t worth protecting. One more child to sacrifice on the altar of open borders. What about our economy?

Again, I will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper: Nearly Four in 10 African-American children are living in poverty, while 58% of African American youth are not employed. 2 million more Latinos are in poverty today than when the President took his oath of office less than eight years ago. Another 14 million people have left the workforce entirely.

Household incomes are down more than $4,000 since the year 2000. Our manufacturing trade deficit has reached an all-time high – nearly $800 billion in a single year. The budget is no better.

President Obama has doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing. Yet, what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in Third World condition, and forty-three million Americans are on food stamps.

Now let us consider the state of affairs abroad.

Not only have our citizens endured domestic disaster, but they have lived through one international humiliation after another. We all remember the images of our sailors being forced to their knees by their Iranian captors at gunpoint.

This was just prior to the signing of the Iran deal, which gave back to Iran $150 billion and gave us nothing – it will go down in history as one of the worst deals ever made. Another humiliation came when president Obama drew a red line in Syria – and the whole world knew it meant nothing.

In Libya, our consulate – the symbol of American prestige around the globe – was brought down in flames. America is far less safe – and the world is far less stable – than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy.

I am certain it is a decision he truly regrets. Her bad instincts and her bad judgment – something pointed out by Bernie Sanders – are what caused the disasters unfolding today. Let’s review the record. In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map.

Libya was cooperating. Egypt was peaceful. Iraq was seeing a reduction in violence. Iran was being choked by sanctions. Syria was under control. After four years of Hillary Clinton, what do we have? ISIS has spread across the region, and the world. Libya is in ruins, and our Ambassador and his staff were left helpless to die at the hands of savage killers. Egypt was turned over to the radical Muslim brotherhood, forcing the military to retake control. Iraq is in chaos.

Iran is on the path to nuclear weapons. Syria is engulfed in a civil war and a refugee crisis that now threatens the West. After fifteen years of wars in the Middle East, after trillions of dollars spent and thousands of lives lost, the situation is worse than it has ever been before.

This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness.

But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy. The problems we face now – poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad – will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them. A change in leadership is required to change these outcomes. Tonight, I will share with you my plan of action for America.

The most important difference between our plan and that of our opponents, is that our plan will put America First. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo. As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America First, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect. This will all change in 2017.

The American People will come first once again. My plan will begin with safety at home – which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders, and protection from terrorism. There can be no prosperity without law and order. On the economy, I will outline reforms to add millions of new jobs and trillions in new wealth that can be used to rebuild America.

A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests. That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit.

Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.

That is why Hillary Clinton’s message is that things will never change. My message is that things have to change – and they have to change right now. Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.

I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. These are the forgotten men and women of our country. People who work hard but no longer have a voice.


I have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before the national good. I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.

When innocent people suffer, because our political system lacks the will, or the courage, or the basic decency to enforce our laws – or worse still, has sold out to some corporate lobbyist for cash – I am not able to look the other way.

And when a Secretary of State illegally stores her emails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can’t see her crime, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every different form and faces no consequence – I know that corruption has reached a level like never before.

When the FBI Director says that the Secretary of State was “extremely careless” and “negligent,” in handling our classified secrets, I also know that these terms are minor compared to what she actually did. They were just used to save her from facing justice for her terrible crimes.

In fact, her single greatest accomplishment may be committing such an egregious crime and getting away with it – especially when others have paid so dearly. When that same Secretary of State rakes in millions of dollars trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers I know the time for action has come.

I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves. Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it. I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens, just like it was rigged against Bernie Sanders – he never had a chance.

But his supporters will join our movement, because we will fix his biggest issue: trade. Millions of Democrats will join our movement because we are going to fix the system so it works for all Americans. In this cause, I am proud to have at my side the next Vice President of the United States: Governor Mike Pence of Indiana.

We will bring the same economic success to America that Mike brought to Indiana. He is a man of character and accomplishment. He is the right man for the job. The first task for our new Administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens their communities.

America was shocked to its core when our police officers in Dallas were brutally executed. In the days after Dallas, we have seen continued threats and violence against our law enforcement officials. Law officers have been shot or killed in recent days in Georgia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kansas, Michigan and Tennessee.

On Sunday, more police were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Three were killed, and four were badly injured. An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans. I have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: when I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order our country.

I will work with, and appoint, the best prosecutors and law enforcement officials in the country to get the job done. In this race for the White House, I am the Law And Order candidate. The irresponsible rhetoric of our President, who has used the pulpit of the presidency to divide us by race and color, has made America a more dangerous environment for everyone.

This Administration has failed America’s inner cities. It’s failed them on education. It’s failed them on jobs. It’s failed them on crime. It’s failed them at every level.

When I am President, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally, and protected equally.

Every action I take, I will ask myself: does this make life better for young Americans in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson who have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child America?

To make life safe in America, we must also address the growing threats we face from outside America: we are going to defeat the barbarians of ISIS. Once again, France is the victim of brutal Islamic terrorism.

Men, women and children viciously mowed down. Lives ruined. Families ripped apart. A nation in mourning.

The damage and devastation that can be inflicted by Islamic radicals has been over and over – at the World Trade Center, at an office party in San Bernardino, at the Boston Marathon, and a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist. This time, the terrorist targeted our LGBT community. As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. To protect us from terrorism, we need to focus on three things.

We must have the best intelligence gathering operation in the world. We must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change that Hillary Clinton pushed in Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria. Instead, we must work with all of our allies who share our goal of destroying ISIS and stamping out Islamic terror.

This includes working with our greatest ally in the region, the State of Israel. Lastly, we must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place.

My opponent has called for a radical 550% increase in Syrian refugees on top of existing massive refugee flows coming into our country under President Obama. She proposes this despite the fact that there’s no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from. I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people.

Anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never will be.

Decades of record immigration have produced lower wages and higher unemployment for our citizens, especially for African-American and Latino workers. We are going to have an immigration system that works, but one that works for the American people.

On Monday, we heard from three parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden, and Jamiel Shaw. They are just three brave representatives of many thousands. Of all my travels in this country, nothing has affected me more deeply than the time I have spent with the mothers and fathers who have lost their children to violence spilling across our border.

These families have no special interests to represent them. There are no demonstrators to protest on their behalf. My opponent will never meet with them, or share in their pain. Instead, my opponent wants Sanctuary Cities. But where was sanctuary for Kate Steinle? Where was Sanctuary for the children of Mary Ann, Sabine and Jamiel? Where was sanctuary for all the other Americans who have been so brutally murdered, and who have suffered so horribly?

These wounded American families have been alone. But they are alone no longer. Tonight, this candidate and this whole nation stand in their corner to support them, to send them our love, and to pledge in their honor that we will save countless more families from suffering the same awful fate.

We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities. I have been honored to receive the endorsement of America’s Border Patrol Agents, and will work directly with them to protect the integrity of our lawful immigration system.

By ending catch-and-release on the border, we will stop the cycle of human smuggling and violence. Illegal border crossings will go down. Peace will be restored. By enforcing the rules for the millions who overstay their visas, our laws will finally receive the respect they deserve.

Tonight, I want every American whose demands for immigration security have been denied – and every politician who has denied them – to listen very closely to the words I am about to say.

On January 21st of 2017, the day after I take the oath of office, Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced. We are going to be considerate and compassionate to everyone.

But my greatest compassion will be for our own struggling citizens. My plan is the exact opposite of the radical and dangerous immigration policy of Hillary Clinton. Americans want relief from uncontrolled immigration. Communities want relief.

Yet Hillary Clinton is proposing mass amnesty, mass immigration, and mass lawlessness. Her plan will overwhelm your schools and hospitals, further reduce your jobs and wages, and make it harder for recent immigrants to escape from poverty.

I have a different vision for our workers. It begins with a new, fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to countries that cheat. It’s been a signature message of my campaign from day one, and it will be a signature feature of my presidency from the moment I take the oath of office.

I have made billions of dollars in business making deals – now I’m going to make our country rich again. I am going to turn our bad trade agreements into great ones. America has lost nearly-one third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997, following the enactment of disastrous trade deals supported by Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Remember, it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA, one of the worst economic deals ever made by our country.

Never again.

I am going to bring our jobs back to Ohio and to America – and I am not going to let companies move to other countries, firing their employees along the way, without consequences.

My opponent, on the other hand, has supported virtually every trade agreement that has been destroying our middle class. She supported NAFTA, and she supported China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization – another one of her husband’s colossal mistakes.

She supported the job killing trade deal with South Korea. She has supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. I pledge to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence. Instead, I will make individual deals with individual countries.

No longer will we enter into these massive deals, with many countries, that are thousands of pages long – and which no one from our country even reads or understands. We are going to enforce all trade violations, including through the use of taxes and tariffs, against any country that cheats.

This includes stopping China’s outrageous theft of intellectual property, along with their illegal product dumping, and their devastating currency manipulation. Our horrible trade agreements with China and many others, will be totally renegotiated. That includes renegotiating NAFTA to get a much better deal for America – and we’ll walk away if we don’t get the deal that we want. We are going to start building and making things again.

Next comes the reform of our tax laws, regulations and energy rules. While Hillary Clinton plans a massive tax increase, I have proposed the largest tax reduction of any candidate who has declared for the presidential race this year – Democrat or Republican. Middle-income Americans will experience profound relief, and taxes will be simplified for everyone.

America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world. Reducing taxes will cause new companies and new jobs to come roaring back into our country. Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation, one of the greatest job-killers of them all. Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion a year, and we will end it. We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy. This will produce more than $20 trillion in job creating economic activity over the next four decades.

My opponent, on the other hand, wants to put the great miners and steel workers of our country out of work – that will never happen when I am President. With these new economic policies, trillions of dollars will start flowing into our country.

This new wealth will improve the quality of life for all Americans – We will build the roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, and the railways of tomorrow. This, in turn, will create millions more jobs. We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice.

My opponent would rather protect education bureaucrats than serve American children. We will repeal and replace disastrous Obamacare. You will be able to choose your own doctor again. And we will fix TSA at the airports! We will completely rebuild our depleted military, and the countries that we protect, at a massive loss, will be asked to pay their fair share.

We will take care of our great Veterans like they have never been taken care of before. My opponent dismissed the VA scandal as being not widespread – one more sign of how out of touch she really is. We are going to ask every Department Head in government to provide a list of wasteful spending projects that we can eliminate in my first 100 days. The politicians have talked about it, I’m going to do it. We are also going to appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution.

The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles. This will be one of the most important issues decided by this election. My opponent wants to essentially abolish the 2nd amendment. I, on the other hand, received the early and strong endorsement of the National Rifle Association and will protect the right of all Americans to keep their families safe.

At this moment, I would like to thank the evangelical community who have been so good to me and so supportive. You have so much to contribute to our politics, yet our laws prevent you from speaking your minds from your own pulpits.

An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson, many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views.

I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans. We can accomplish these great things, and so much else – all we need to do is start believing in ourselves and in our country again. It is time to show the whole world that America Is Back – bigger, and better and stronger than ever before.

In this journey, I'm so lucky to have at my side my wife Melania and my wonderful children, Don, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron: you will always be my greatest source of pride and joy. My Dad, Fred Trump, was the smartest and hardest working man I ever knew. I wonder sometimes what he’d say if he were here to see this tonight.

It’s because of him that I learned, from my youngest age, to respect the dignity of work and the dignity of working people. He was a guy most comfortable in the company of bricklayers, carpenters, and electricians and I have a lot of that in me also. Then there’s my mother, Mary. She was strong, but also warm and fair-minded. She was a truly great mother. She was also one of the most honest and charitable people I have ever known, and a great judge of character.

To my sisters Mary Anne and Elizabeth, my brother Robert and my late brother Fred, I will always give you my love you are most special to me. I have loved my life in business.

But now, my sole and exclusive mission is to go to work for our country – to go to work for all of you. It’s time to deliver a victory for the American people. But to do that, we must break free from the petty politics of the past.

America is a nation of believers, dreamers, and strivers that is being led by a group of censors, critics, and cynics.

Remember: all of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight. No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.

Instead, we must choose to Believe In America. History is watching us now.

It’s waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion, and if we will show the whole world that America is still free and independent and strong.

My opponent asks her supporters to recite a three-word loyalty pledge. It reads: “I’m With Her”. I choose to recite a different pledge.

My pledge reads: “I’M WITH YOU – THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.”

I am your voice.

So to every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you tonight: I’m With You, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you.

To all Americans tonight, in all our cities and towns, I make this promise: We Will Make America Strong Again.

We Will Make America Proud Again.

We Will Make America Safe Again.

And We Will Make America Great Again.